====== Windows Subsystem for Linux ======
To enable and [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10|install]]
[[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/faq|Windows Subsystem for Linux]] on Windows 10, run the
following in an administrative PowerShell:
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
You will be prompted to reboot. After rebooting, you can install your favorite Linux distribution(s) via the
Microsoft Store.
===== Disable audible bell on terminal =====
Uncomment the following lines in ''/etc/inputrc'':
# do not bell on tab-completion
set bell-style none
set bell-style visible
===== Using ssh-agent with multiple shell sessions =====
//These scripts are now maintained [[https://gitlab.com/unxis/unxtools/tree/master/wsl/ssh-agent|here in GitLab]].//
WSL doesn't run a full Linux system, rather it acts as an translation layer that can emulate the software
interface required to run native Linux applications in the Windows kernel. Among the implications of this
implementation is the fact that there is no good way start an ssh-agent session that is automatically shared
all shell sessions in the same manner as a native Linux desktop.
These hacks allow successive shells to attach to the ssh-agent socket started by your first session.
These commands should be inserted in ''~/.bashrc'':
# start ssh-agent for WSL
if [ -f $SSHAGENTINFO ]; then
printf "Reading ssh-agent socket info from %s.\n" $SSHAGENTINFO
(umask 0077 ; mkdir -p `dirname $SSHAGENTINFO`; ssh-agent > $SSHAGENTINFO)
To make sure that the session gets cleaned up, insert this in ''~/.bash_logout'':
# shut down our ssh-agent when we close the final shell
SHELLPIDS=$( pgrep bash )
SHELLCOUNT=$( echo $SHELLPIDS | wc -w )
if [[ $SHELLCOUNT -eq 1 ]]; then
ssh-agent -k && rm -f /tmp/${USER}-ssh-agent/conf