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quay:wiki contains various bits of documentation and snippets of ideas and code that I've found useful or necessary, with a general focus on Linux, programming, and a few other technical interests. I'm currently in the process of learning Go.

You'll also find bits and pieces of whatever I might be learning in my free time or stuff I've had to think about or learn for work. I also document various problems and solutions I've worked on for, including Amazon EC2.

Occasionally I share my more general thoughts about the world over on my blog.

Welcome! If you're just browsing, you might start out looking at the sitemap.


Recently updated pages


If you've arrived here looking for code, I currently maintain some public software on GitLab. Generally speaking anything worth keeping can be found there.


Be forewarned, none of the information here is tested outside of my own environment. If you're looking for stuff that's a bit more stable or supportable, check out my GitLab projects instead.

The quay wiki icon uses assets from Blank Paper Doodle under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.

start.1565471430.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019-08-10 17:10 by gabriel